Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Training Matters


Time Trial
As per coach, there will be 2km time trials conducted every 6 weeks. The last time trial was taken on 18th Aug 2012. Next time trial will be on 29 Sept 2012.

Majority of the guys are expected to hit below 11 mins by the next time trial.
Also, there are a few who are expected to clock below 10 mins instead.

Pull Ups
For the girls, those who can't do 1 pull up without assistance should use the pull up machine which can be found easily at any gym except the gym at Ulu Pandan. And for those who can do pull ups already, your aim is to be able to do at least 10.

Pull up may not be reflected in the programme but it is a mandatory exercise. Please do your own pull ups everyday except for days where there is pull up training and Sunday.
For those whose max pull ups are: >30, do 3x 25reps25-30, do 5x 15reps20-24, do 6x 12reps15-19, do 8x 9reps10-14, do 10x 7reps. < 9, 12x 6reps.
You don't have to do anything when you come down between the pull up sets.

Water session: 3 times a week
Official water session will be on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. If there are days where you can't make it, please clock the 3 water sessions by yourself throughout the week.
You may alternate anaerobic and aerobic sessions every time you go and paddle. Anaerobic means doing sets of shorter distances at 100% eg 75m, 250m, 500m, 1000m.
Aerobic means you do 1km sets at your 2km pace.

Please do continue to book the boats when you're going down during the weekdays to paddle.


Water Training
Water trainings will be as usual, conducted on every Wednesday (0900-1200) and Sunday (1100-1300).
Please reach at least half an hour earlier to get your personal equipments and for the training to start on time.
(This will be the arrangement until we announce that water training become combined with the seniors)

One Star Course
There will be a One-Star Course conducted at Water Venture Kallang on the 15th and 16th of September.
It will be a two days course, starting from 9am to about 3pm.
Those who are already One-Star certified are excused.
All juniors are required to go for this course as you are required to be at least One Star certified to be able to paddle in Macritchie Reservoir and also to take part in the upcoming Round Ubin Kayak Race 2012, and consequentially all future competitions.

Round Ubin Kayaking Race 2012
It will be held on the 14th of Oct. For seniors who have not submitted their preferred choice of boat and pairings to Ivan, please do so ASAP.

For juniors, if you have decided to stay on in SIM Canoeing, training will be escalated quickly into long distance. For eg. 10km, 14km or 18km per week. The whole race will be around 22km, open water.


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