Thursday, October 25, 2012

Latest Updates

Hi Guys,


Keys to our A3 and C1 shed has been changed by Joseph. New keys are already available and will be handed over to some as soon as possible. If you are still holding on to the old set of keys please return them to Ivan, Diane or Kelvin as it has to be returned to the Paddle Lodge.


Coach has suggested that we should split our running from our gym so as to allow every individual to push harder for gym. Everyone is to run the required distance as stated in the training log on their own. Its pretty difficult for us to monitor it so its all up to individual responsibility. I will come out with a list of the running program soon and post it up here. This will be in action for 2 weeks, and thereafter, we will need feedbacks and opinions from everyone of you.

Sports Night: 

The date has been set as 23rd of Nov, Friday. It will start approximately at 6.30pm at SIM HQ LT 1-10. Attendance is compulsory unless with valid reasons. Attire will be polo tee ( undecided ) and jeans. Food will be provided. More details are to be released as soon as most of the them are decided. Once everything is confirmed, students are required to go into the student portal to register and confirm your attendance between 12 November 0800hrs till 19 November 2359hrs.  We will remind everyone when the date is nearer again.

As everyone will have noticed, there has been quite a change in our training program. It will be painful in the beginning but dont give up. Clear your mind of can't, and its never too late to become what you might have been.


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