Thursday, November 15, 2012

Registration for SIM Sports Night


as mentioned in the previous post, SIM Sports Night will be on 23rd of Nov, 6.30 pm at SIM HQ LT1-10. Attendance will be compulsory for everyone. Those who are unable to make it please inform Ivan, Diane or Kelvin.

Everyone is required to log into student portal to register and confirm your attendance. The latest date to do so will be 19 of Nov 2359 hrs, but please do it ASAP. The steps are as follow:

Step 1: Go to CCA on the left tab.

Step 2:  Select " Registration of Activity "

Step 3: Search for the activity from date 23rd Nov to 23rd Nov

Step 4: After finding the activity " SIM Sports Awards Night 2012 " select register now

Please do it ASAP and if there's any questions, do approach anyone of the seniors.


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