Orientation Camp / Training Matters
Orientation Camp 2012 is just around the corner! I don't know about everyone, but I am so excited for it. Whoever you are, whatever role you're playing in the camp, look forward to having an AWESOME camp this year.
There will be a camp briefing for all members this Friday at school - attendance is compulsory. Further details will be disseminated when we have confirmed the location. Tentatively it will be in the afternoon around 1430h in one of the seminar rooms.
I understand that many of us have commitments to school / work recently, but please do not let your fitness drop during this period. Remember to work out on your own and follow the training program prescribed if you are unable to come for training.
Have a good diet and get proper rest so that you don't fall sick easily.
As there are no more time trials going on this Saturday, training will resume at 1400h instead of 1300h. Please bring along your shoes as there will be an 11km run after the water session.
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