Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Wednesday Water Training
Location: Macritchie Reservoir (Gather at the grass patch)
Time: 0900 - 1200 (Be ready with your lifejackets / paddles by 9. Reach by 0830 to get your equipment)
Maximum number of juniors per training: 20

Wednesday Land Training
Location: yo:HA, Ulu Pandan (Multi Purpose Hall)
Time Start: 1830

Please be in your training attire inclusive of a watch and a bottle.
Bring along a change of clothes and showering items unless you want to go home all smelly and sticky.
Remember to be on time as well. Those who are not able to make it on time, please do inform me / Diane. And please make it a point not to stroll in when you are already late. We expect to see a sense of urgency when there are movements from places to places.

Below is the training schedule for this period until we have confirmed the final list of juniors.

Canoeing is an all rounded sport that requires dedication and commitment. It is not like many other sports where you are only required to be strong in certain areas. Being an individual sport, there is only so much that others can do to motivate and encourage you. As a team, we aim to provide a healthy and conducive training environment for everyone. However at an individual level, you have to push on your own.
For those who are interested to know what we are doing for the next few weeks, I have already uploaded the training program onto the training blog. (http://simcanoetraining.blogspot.sg/)

Take the one month of trial period to think through carefully about whether canoeing is the sport for you. SIM Canoeing is a competitive team, not a recreational club. Resources are limited and we definitely would not want to waste it on people who are not interested to train seriously.

If you are observant, you would have realized that we have a competition coming up on 14th October. RUKR is a 22km marathon race around Pulau Ubin. Juniors who show promising efforts will be allowed to join the race. :)

On a lighter note, we are all fun loving people in this place. Do get to know your seniors and peers better, and I'm sure you will enjoy your journey here in SIM.

Wednesday Water Training
We will require the help of some seniors to facilitate the water training with the juniors on Wednesday. Seniors with keys please reach before 0830.

Wednesday Strength Test
Meet at Ulu Pandan at 1700 to do the strength test.
Those who cannot make it for 1700 will come at the usual timing and complete it before joining the main body for static training.


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