Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Training Matters

One Star Course

Most of the juniors should have already achieved the One Star Qualification with a few exception. For those who are not, please look for Kelvin.


Official water training will be on Wednesday and Saturday, 9am and 2pm respectively unless otherwise stated. For anyone who cant make it, or will be late please be reminded to inform Ivan, Diane or Kelvin.

There will be an upcoming 2km time trial next Saturday, 29 Sep 2012. From now on, all trainings will be done individually on K boats.

Train yourself up for the Round Ubin Kayak Race by doing distance training for eg. 14km - 18km. Endurance is very important for all marathon races.

Training Camp / Junior Initiation

There will be a training camp-cum-Junior Initiation session from 5th to 7th Oct. Attendance will be compulsory as it is a preparation for the upcoming Round Ubin Kayak Race. More details will be released at a later date. Please do keep the weekend free, if you can't make it for any date, please inform Kelvin, Ivan or Diane.

Round Ubin Kayak Race

We are required to submit the names of all participants BY 29th Sep. Please sort out your individual preference, K1, K2, T1 or T2. Please confirm with Ivan ASAP.

We will discuss with coach to see who is qualified for the race. In the mean time, do continue to train hard!


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