Tuesday, October 16, 2012

End of Round Ubin Kayak Race

Hello Guys!

i cannot emphasize again how happy and proud we are of every single one of you! I believe everyone of you have absolutely no regrets and had put in everything you have into the race.

The Results are as follows:

4 Gold:
T1 Girls Open Category: Diane Chua
T2 Guys Open Category: Kelvin & Sean
T2 Mixed Open Category: Varian & Cindy
K2 Guys Open Category: Collin & Mervin

1 Silver:
T2 Guys Open Category: Kang Wei & Farhan

2 Bronze:
T1 Guys Open Category: Ivan Tee
K2 Mixed Open Category: Tiffany & Boon Kiat

It is really a great achievement!!

Don't be too dejected if you did not get any medals as this is only one of the many races you will be taking part in.

The next race will be Singapore Canoe Marathon which should  be happening on the 13th of January 2013. You may want to consider the category you want to take part in for SCM and start to train for it. Have an aim and work towards it. If you want it badly you have to work for it! :)

Rest well everyone. There will be no training for juniors and seniors this wednesday.

Juniors, good job for your strength test. The results will be posted shortly. See you guys on this Saturday for Water Training!

Stay focus everyone! and once again. GREAT JOB SIM CANOEING! We went to war and WE OWNED IT! 


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