Sunday, October 7, 2012

RUKR' 2012

Hello Guys!

ROUND Ubin is just ROUND the corner! Below will be all the info that you guys need. For any more queries please feel free to contact any of the seniors!

Team Managers for this race will be Amanda and Boon Ping, with Guan Hui assisting them. Please cooperate with them.

The whole circuit will be in a anti clockwise direction. The starting point will be between two buoys, a red one on the left and a yellow one of the right. Please stay in between these two buoys. Most likely, there will be strong current coming from the right side pushing the boats to the left side. Therefore please try to stay more to the right side, where the yellow buoy will be at.

After the starting horn, go straight up and you will see 3 yellow buoys. KEEP TO THE RIGHT OF THE BUOYS or you may face disqualification. Towards the end, you may see ferries sending passengers to and fro from Changi to Ubin. Please stay away from them.

There will be safety boats stationed there, as well as safety kayakers. If you run into any problems, or need any form of assistance, raise your paddles and shout to them.

The ending point will be two yellow buoy. Please go through both of them to have your timing recorded. Finishers will be brought to a lagger area, and then brought back to the shore batch by batch. For members who are not participating, please help to look after the belongings and also, when the racers are back, help to carry their boats and offer water to them.

Bib will be given out and it must be worn throughout the race. For all doubles, only the front paddler needs to wear it. 4 hours will be given for the whole race and if any participants do take more than 4 hours, the oficials may ask you to go back with them on the safety boats.

Shifting of boats will be on Thursday morning, 9.30 am. All participants are highly encouraged to help and try paddling too, to be mentally prepared for the water condition there. Water Venture Changi will also be opened for any participants to stay over on the night of 13th Oct. If anyone wants to stay over, please contact Kelvin.


0700: All to report.
0730: Team Managers to register
0815: Start to launch boats, do any last min adjustments and slowly move towards to starting line.
0900: Flag Off
1230: Team Manager to collect lunch for all participants.
1330: Prize Presentation

Important Items for Race:

Water Bag: A 2 litre water bag is highly encouraged. You can get it at the army market for less than $20 bucks probably. Think about how do you want to secure the water bags. You may ask any seniors if you're not too sure.

Bailer: As mentioned, it is also highly encouraged to have a bailer in your boat, in case the wave is too strong and water come crashing into your boat, making it too heavy. A simple one can be cut out from a 1.5 litre water bottle. Ask the seniors if you need any help.

Wave Breaker: Remember to try on the wave breaker before the competition day. Know where to place it on the boat and secure it.

Cushion: As this is a marathon, many of you may feel numbness or abrasions around the butt area. A cushion may prevent that. Use a normal play mat, cut off the sides and wrap it with plastic bag. Also put a piece of anti slip mat on the bottom. Approach the seniors if you need help.

Student Card: For registration purpose

Other optional items: Sunblock, shades, energy drink, toilet paper.

During this week, rest well, eat well and carbo load yourself. Store energy and use it all on that day. Do not try out new food or new regime.

For juniors this will be your first race. Mentally prepare yourself, dont get too nervous and have absolutely no regrets for this race. Visualize, and think about your motivation and you'll definitely do well.

For seniors, give everything you have and do the club proud. Keep your motivation in mind.

We will go to war as one SIM Canoeing Club and we will lead the club to VICTORY! 


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